
If you are interested in booking in MATRESHKI HOSTEL, please inform us about the date of arrival, the number of days and guests at:

or by phone:

  • +7-910-397-07-83.

We will be happy for you!

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Check In: 14-00.

Check Out: 12-00.

In case of early check-in or late check-out, rooms can be provided subject to availability, for an additional fee according to the price list.

Are you traveling with a child?

Please, inform us about it in advance, so that we can agree on the living conditions with you.

We share your love for our younger brothers!

But, unfortunately, the hostel is not equipped with everything necessary to accommodate animals.

Dream - this is a kind of journey, where all dreams come true!

Please, keep silence from 22-00 to 08-00.

We care about cleanliness!

Do not forget to bring slippers with you!

Disposable slippers can be purchased in MATRYOSHKI HOSTEL for 100 rubles.

Drinking alcoholic beverages on the premises of the hostel is prohibited.

The administration has the right to refuse admission of guests who are in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication.

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